Meet the Crew: Dan

Who Are We?


This week we interviewed the General Manager of Fleet Feet Sports San Francisco, Dan! Dan is very passionate about helping people out with all their running needs. He has just finished the New York Marathon and loves to challenge himself. He enjoys running all over the bay so he can eat as much pizza from Hole in the Wall as possible. Dan will be leading his weekly lunchtime fun runs at our Fleet Feet Sports SOMA location so don’t forget to stop by and chat with him!


1. What is your favorite running route in the city?

My favorite place to run in the city is the Presidio. It’s where I lived when I first moved to the city and it still feels like home.
2. What is your current/favorite running shoe?

My favorite running shoe is the Mizuno Inspire 11 because it got me to the finish line at the New York City Marathon.

dan43. Are you training for anything at the moment, which race?

I just finished a race and I don’t have anything else on my schedule yet, I’d like to take part in a team relay or an ultra in the next few years.
4. What got you in to running?

I grew up in England and they have a really strong grassroots running culture that got me into the sport and I stuck with it through high school and college.

5. What is your favorite restaurant in the city, why?

House of Prime Rib because they give you second servings.
6. What is your favorite thing to do on your day off? 

I like to get across one of the bridges and be outdoors as much as possible.

Nike Women’s Half Marathon 2015

Running in San Francisco


This past weekend over 20,000 women conquered the hills of San Francisco for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. We cheered on many of our friends who were participating in the race, espIMG_2411ecially our staff members and all of our training group participants who we have been coaching since this Summer. When it finally came to race day, everyone was feeling strong and motivated. It was a much anticipated morning and a finish to be very proud of.

Last Sunday was a beautiful day in the city, not a cloud in the sky nor fog to hinder the breathtaking views along the course. Before sunrise, race participants filed onto the starting line alongside Union Square where the race commenced up Post Street.

As the minutes ticked on towards the 6:30am start time, music and cheers exhilarated the crowd. Once the starting pistol fired, thousands raced out of Downtown to begin the course througIMG_2358h the Tenderloin and on towards the Richmond. At every corner, a singing choir, drummers, San Francisco residents and volunteers were awaiting to cheer on the massive group as they scaled Golden Gate Park out towards the Avenues.

The natural lighting was especially beautiful. As the sun rose, the pink hues of the sky illuminated the neighborhood as the group swept through the rolling hills of the Richmond on towards the Presidio. Neighborhood residents woke up early in the morning to watch the event and to support all the runners before they conquered the hardest part, Lincoln hill.

The tenth mile is the most infamous of the most receIMG_2349nt Nike Women’s Half Marathon course. Many dread the tenth mile, but it was definitely the most dense in cheerleaders. Music blasting, inspiring posters, and hundreds of enthused spectators helped everyone conquer what they have all been training for. IMG_2347Lincoln is a steep and lengthy hill, that winds all the way up to a gorgeous view of famous San Francisco landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge. As opposed to previous years, the fog did not obstruct the inspiring view up ahead that encouraged each participant to power through.


Our staff members conquering the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.

After Lincoln, it’s all downhill for the eleventh mile that leads out to a fast and flat finish through Crissy Fields and onto the Marina Green. The morning sun illuminates the city skyline as you wind your way past the Warming Hut and out along the Bay. The finish through the large expanse of Marina Boulevard allows for a huge crowd to meet you at the finish line. The cheers and excitement lift you through the very last part of the course and before you know it, you’re passing right through the finisher’s shoot on towards the chocolate milk and foil blankets leading you to your much deserved medal, the coveted Tiffany’s necklace! There’s really nothing like a little blue box to congratulate you at the end of your run.

IMG_2343The Nike Women’s Half Marathon is a special race, bringing women from all over the country, even all over the world, to experience the beautiful landscape of our city and to finally conquer what they have spent months training for. It’s an empowering experience bringing elite athletes, habitual racers, new runners and walkers all in one space to cheer each other on. As a participant, you feel truly celebrated and even among the thousands of others in the race, very special! Congratulations to everyone who crossed the finish line last week, it is a great achievement to be greatly proud of. We hope to experience it all again with you next year!

Fleet Feet Sports San Francisco SOMA Grand Opening Party

Store Events


This past weekend was definitely one to remember! The Nike Women’s Half Marathon was held in San Francisco Sunday morning andp1570959188-4 on top of that, Friday was the Grand Opening of our new Fleet Feet Sports SOMA location on 4th and Mission Street.

To celebrate these big events, our new store held quite the celebration! Our 4,500 sq/ft store held vendors of the brands we proudly carry, our training program participants, beloved customers who have supported us throughout the years, our hardworking staff, friends, familyp1570961193-4 and even professional athlete Jordan Hasay! Instead of the usual running outfit, everyone was dressed to the nines with hors d’oeuvres & champagne in hand.

As guests filed through the revolving doors they were greeted with a Nike canvas tote bag and a custom Fleet Feet Sports San Francisco shirt. The celebratory atmosphere was ignited by DJ Ken Fusion and a photo booth corner where guests could pose in their cool Nike kicks. As everyone filed in and got the full tour of the new store, owner Brett took the stage and dedicated a toast to everyone who helped with the development of Fleet Feet Sports SOMA. After raising our special editp1570899618-4ion Nike Women’s champagne glasses to the toast, mingling, dancing and eating continued!

The new space is decked out with all your running amenities. As you approach the register, you are welcomed with a beautiful map of San Francisco on a background of chalk board paint where all of our future running events and courses will be displayed! We now have four fitting rooms and an entire section dedicated tp1570903380-4o sports bras and running accessories, including massage tools, nutrition and insoles for your shoes. You can also find lockers in this section where anyone can store their gear safely as they run around the city during store hours. We have an expansive floor filled with various apparel including Under Armour, Nike, Oiselle and Patagonia. Last but certainly not least…the heart of our store…the shoe auditorium! Each shoe is displayed on our beautifully constructed shoe wall where customers can ogle at all of the options.

San Francisco is filled with an enthusiastic running community and we are so excited to be able to spread our love of running to the heart of the city. We have been anticipating the opening of this new location and cannot wait for you to come on by. Stop by the store to chat about all your running needs and keep up to date with all of our events so you can run with us!